Veranstaltung verpasst, verworfen oder vorgemerkt fürs nächste Mal? Die Netzpiloten fragen Gäste, Mitwirkende und Macher wie es diesmal für sie gelaufen ist.
Heute im Netzpiloten Destination Check: INTERNET WEEK EUROPE, vom 12. – 16.11.2012 in London. Locker veranstaltete Diskussionen und Vorträge haben sich über verschiedene Locations in Shoreditch verteilt und einen wirklich angenehmen Festivalcharakter verbreitet. Sehr Berlin-style eigentlich.Wir fragen Nicolas Roope, Jury Captain des Lovie Awards nach seinem Fazit.
How was Internet Week Europe 2012?
As always both lovely and deeply inspiring. The quality of events, their diversity and quality took a great step up this year. Some of the initiatives have actually become pretty ambitious and feedback has been really positive about these bigger, meatier offerings that sit beside the still more nascent, experimental fare.
What´s your over-all impression?
I think the concept of bringing together really strong themes and stories in emergent trends with much more playful and experiential initiatives gives the whole experience more colour and depth and leaves a more lasting impression than more standard formats. There’s a really healthy mix of useful, playful, inspiring, informative content sitting side by side. Oh and some really fun parties this time too.
Did all speakers and the audience meet your expectations?
It’s always a mix but the overall quality was raised again this year. The great thing about the open format is that by the time someone has gone to the trouble of establishing their own event, the last thing they’re going to do is abuse their audiences by selling or poorly preparing the content. The structure incentivises everyone to do their very best which of course works for everyone.
What was your personal highlight?
I had a really good time on the panel of „Intravenous Internet“ at The Future Laboratory exploring themes of internet compulsions and addictions.
How would you categorize the audience?
The audience is both general and specialist. It’s really the point of the platform, to join communities across states, disciplines, interest etc. You get very specific content to serve, say for instance those interested in changing techniques in commerce alongside more entertaining shows like Metaphwoar with very broad appeal. This means it’s a great way to reach both the experts and then those who are 2 degrees of separation away, who can very often lead to interesting new opportunities.
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Schlagwörter: Internet Week Europe, London, Nicolas Roope