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- URHEBERRECHT & INSTANT PREVIEW Google Instant Preview und das Urheberrecht an Screenshots: Das leidige Thema Urheberrecht und Screenshots – neu am Beispiel Instant Preview von dieser Firma mit G.
- INTERNET EYES – WAS IST DAS? Internet Eyes, CCTV Monitoring: Der virtuelle Blockwart kommt aus dem UK und hat es den USA nachgemacht, wo es nicht so dolle gefunzt hatte
- INTERNET EYES HINTERGRÜNDE Internet Eyes Citizen Spy Game – The New Stasi? | Disinformation: Ein paar Hintergründe zu Internet Eyes
- JOURNALISMUS Disruptive Storytelling plus 6 neue W: SLAT= Shit, Look at That!
- BRAND, MARKE & DINGSBUMS Study: State of Branded Social Community Integration improves: The social engagement marketing company ComBlu released their second annual research “State of the Branded Communities” that talks about why social marketing integration improves in companies.
- ART Can you draw the internet?: Sehen und staunen
- ENTRPRISE 2.1 The Meaning Organization: Traditional businesses are struggling to recover from the economic downturn. They#039;ll need to shift their focus from profits to authentic social engagement to have meaningful impact in the world.
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