Erlesene Links zu einigen Perlen im Web: Blogposts, Artikel und Nachrichten, die uns wichtig erscheinen. Ergänzungen erwünscht.
- MEDIEN Save the News:, a project of Free Press, is leading the search for new public policies to save journalism and to promote a robust free press in America.
- USHAHIDI Kenya’s Crowd-Mapping Start-up Ushahidi, Implemented by the BBC and The Guardian, Launches Services Business: SEHR COOL: Ushahidi, the crowd-sourced mapping platform, which launched during the disputed Kenya elections in 2007 and has been used recently by the BBC around the Tube strike and The Guardian for the Pope#039;s visit to London, is now in seven languages and is becoming a commercial venture, founder Ory Okolloh told Beet.TV in this video interview. (via @hemartin)
- GOOGLE & MOBILE PAYMENT Google’s new Android phone aims to replace credit cards: Mobile Payment 2.0
- GOOGLE & QYPE Google Launches Hotpot, A Recommendation Engine for Places: Google macht ein eigenes Qype
- TWITTERWALL & MORAL Stirb, Twitterwall, stirb!: Echtzeit-Kritik mag nicht jeder. Soso…
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