Erlesene Links zu einigen Perlen im Web: Blogposts, Artikel und Nachrichten, die uns wichtig erscheinen. Ergänzungen erwünscht.
- Data Schizophrenia: Let’s discuss a developing data management contradiction. People thinking in strategic terms about the monetization of digital medias, publishers, marketers, are unanimous. Collecting and poring over data has become more important than ever. That’s one trend….The other involves the gatekeepers.
- XAuth: The Open Web Fires a Shot Against Facebook Connect: A consortium of companies including Google, Yahoo, MySpace, Meebo and more announced tonight that it will launch a new system on Monday that will let website owners discover which social networks a site visitor uses and prompt them automatically to log-in and share with friends on those network. The system is called XAuth and serves to facilitate cross-site authentication (logging in) for sharing and potentially many other uses.
- NYT: What Would Ellsberg Do With Pentagon Papers Today? –: Sehr lesenwerter Beitrag zur Wikileaks-Diskussion. „In early 1971, Mr. Ellsberg, an analyst at the RAND Corporation, passed a New York Times reporter a copy of a top-secret report casting doubt on the war in Vietnam, the so-called Pentagon Papers. For months, he said, he waited, unsure if The New York Times would ever publish.“
- Social Media im Unternehmen – Teil 3: Wikis – Die Gehirne des Unternehmens: „Würde man ein Brainstorming zum Thema „Social Media-Tools“ durchführen und alle Ideen an einem Smartboard sammeln, suchte man sicher eine Assoziation vergeblich: Hawaii. Und das obwohl die hawaiianische Übersetzung von „schnell“ eines der ersten Social Media-Tools unserer Zeit beschreibt – das Wiki.“
- Social Media hat Berufsverbot in jedem zweiten Büro – Business News – CHIP Online: Laut einer Cisco-Studie untersagen 44 Prozent der deutschen Unternehmen ihren Mitarbeitern die Nutzung von Twitter, Facebook und Co. während der Arbeitszeit.
- Charles Leadbeater on Cloud Culture: promise and danger: Schon paar Monate alt der Text aber wichtig hinsichtlich des aktuellen Kenntnisstandes der deutschen Webszene (re:publica10), dass es außerhalb von Europa enorme Bewegungen im Web gibt.
- Octopus klaut eine Kamera und dreht damit ‘nen Film: Das müsst Ihr sehen!
- Wildcat: Hybrid futures and Knowmads: It so happened that this last week has presented us with a few worthwhile notifications, not the least of which is the announcement by Hewlett-Packard, Cisco and others that are planning a central nervous system for the earth. (see: Sensor Overload ) And though there is no doubt that the ubiquity of these pin size sensors will take a while to materialize, our world is increasingly and continuously being monitored and interconnected. Do note that ubiquity is the term du jours :” Ubiquitous computing refers to the practice of embedding information processing and network communication into everyday, human environments to continuously provide services, information and communication.”
- Iran: Has blogging become less popular since the election?: Eleven Iranian bloggers and media professionals representing different parts of the political spectrum have answered a questionnaire about the changing dynamics of Iranian citizen media since the election.
- Social Media in the South Caucasus: Shaping Society from the Bottom-Up: Last weekend, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and Georgians worked together in creating websites aimed at social change from a grassroots approach.
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