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- ZENSUR Internet Freedom: Beyond Circumvention: Ethan Zuckerman on Censorship: Secretary Clinton’s recent speech on Internet Freedom has signaled a strong interest from the US State Department in promoting the use of the internet to promote political reforms in closed societies. It makes sense that the State Department would look to support existing projects to circumvent internet censorship. The New York Times reports that a group of senators is urging the Secretary to apply existing funding to support the development and expansion of censorship circumvention programs, including Tor, Psiphon and Freegate
- ÖL-KATASTROPHE Oil Spill Reported Near Deepwater Drilling Site in Gulf : A Coast Guard officer with a command center in Morgan City, LA, said today the Coast Guard has confirmed that oil is not coming from the Deepwater Horizon well but that they have found what appear to be smaller oil slicks in the Gulf. Their investigation into reports of large oil slicks is continuing. (via @fefesblog)
- TELEKOM Telekom verkauft T-Mobile USA für 39 Mrd USD an ATT – Märkische Allgemeine – Nachrichten für das Land Brandenburg: Die Deutsche Telekom zieht nach rund zehn Jahren einen Schlussstrich unter ihr direktes US-Engagement und entledigt sich der inzwischen größten Baustelle durch einen Verkauf. Wie der Bonner DAX-Konzern am Sonntagabend überraschend mitteilte, soll die seit geraumer Zeit schwächelnde Tochter T-Mobile USA für 39 Mrd USD an den Wettbewerber ATamp;T veräußert werden.
- STUDIE FACEBOOK Studie: Facebook "Likes" More Profitable Than Tweets:
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