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- BLA-BLA-METER Wie viel Bullshit steckt in Ihrem Text?: PR-Profis, Politiker, Berater, Werbetexter oder Professoren müssen hier tapfer sein! Das BlaBlaMeter entlarvt schonungslos, wieviel heiße Luft sich in Texte eingeschlichen hat. Ein praktischer Helfer für alle, die mit Text zu tun haben!
- B2C-MARKETING Google+ is Too Big for Your Company to Ignore: While Facebook’s dominance and Pinterest’s growth may be grabbing all the headlines, Google+ continues to creep up the rungs of the social media ladder. Last week it was reported that Google+ had surpassed LinkedIn in unique users with a 43% jump compared to May. Bottom line: if your company has been ignoring Google+ it’s time to stop and to start thinking about a strategy.
- FACEBOOK QUARTALSZAHLEN Facebook Earnings: Facebook just reported its second quarter earnings. The company modestly beat Wall Street's expectations, which were unnaturally low, having been spoon-fed by the company during its Q2 IPO process.
- MOUNTAIN LION Placing a Dollar Value on Apple’s Mountain Lion Software: Apple takes a different approach with its OS X software for the Mac. It intends to offer a modest new version every year. Installation is a 15-minute, one-click operation, and the price is piddling. For OS X 10.8, Mountain Lion, which came out Wednesday, Apple wants $20 — and you can install one copy on as many Macs as you have, without having to type in serial numbers or deal with copy protection hurdles.
- SOCIAL MEDIA Die Zeit der Status-Updates ist vorbei: Die Jugend kehrt Facebook den Rücken, so eine Schweizer Studie. «Kein Kommentar», sagt Facebook. Doch Social-Media-Experte Fabian Keller weiss, warum die Kids untreu werden.
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