Erlesene Links zu einigen Perlen im Web: Blogposts, Artikel und Nachrichten, die uns wichtig erscheinen. Ergänzungen erwünscht.
- FINANZKRISE Interview: Steve Keen On Parasitic Bankers, Deluded Economists, and Why “We Are Already In The Second Great Depression” : Everything that 'deluded' orthodox economists have done so far has been designed to aid the creditors (who remain the problem) while Steve Keen, the most familiar face of the non-orthodox economists, sees the only solution to this crisis as aiding the debtors.
- OCCUPY #ows The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy k: The violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class's venality
- GAMES & GOOGLE Google Chrome to add gamepad support: Google's Chrome browser will soon have greatly enhanced gaming capabilities, with plug-and-play support for gamepads on the way.
- VIDEO 10 common video storytelling mistakes (and how to avoid them) « Adam Westbrook :: online video & entrepreneurial journalism: Five years after Youtube’s birth there’s probably not a newsroom in the land that isn’t trying to do video journalism in some way or another.
- GOOGLE Internetkonzern Google lädt zum "Daten-Dialog": Nach dem Streit um Street View versucht Google gut Wetter zu machen und lud zum Dialog nach Berlin. Politiker, Datenschützer und Journalisten diskutierten darüber, wie Privatsphäre im Netz aussehen soll. Und so mancher nutzte den Tag, um dem Internetgiganten, aber auch der Politik den Kopf zu waschen.
- GOOGLE+ Google+ Was Never a Facebook Competitor: Predicting the next big thing is often easier than some might think. You simply have to look at what is already out there, not at who's focusing on doing something different, but rather someone who's doing it better.
- URHEBERRECHT Urheberrecht: Provider müssen Datenverkehr nicht überwachen : Netzanbieter können nicht verpflichtet werden, wegen illegaler Downloads Kundendaten zu kontrollieren. Denn das würde gegen Grundrechte verstoßen, urteilte der EuGH.
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