Lesetipps für den 6. Juli

Erlesene Links zu einigen Perlen im Web: Blogposts, Artikel und Nachrichten, die uns wichtig erscheinen. Ergänzungen erwünscht.

  • APPLE & HACKER Hacker-Attacke: Anonymous greift Apple an – Business News – CHIP Online: Apple-Server stehen neuerdings gezielt im Interesse der Hackergruppe Anonymous: Im Rahmen der so genannten AntiSec-Kampagne war kürzlich nach Angaben der Hacker ein Server, der für Apple Informationen auswertet, betroffen.
  • GOOGLE & HAFTUNG heise online – OLG Hamburg: Google haftet nicht für die Inhalte von Suchergebnissen: Der Internetdienstleister Google haftet laut einer Entscheidung des Hanseatischen Oberlandesgerichts Hamburg nicht für die Inhalte von Suchergebnissen, den so genannten Snippets
  • SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media’s Generation Gap: An elderly relative recently upbraided me for my use of Social Media.
    He is scandalized by my tweets.  Aghast at my Foursquare check-ins.  Dismayed by my blog.  Horrified by the updates and pictures in my Facebook profile.  And agog to learn that I actually know a mere handful of the thousands of people who have regular access to all of this personal stuff.
  • SMARTPHONE & MEDIEN Smartphone Sensors Could Revolutionize Digital Magazines : These evasive strategies for magazine quizzes, though, could be a thing of the past as smartphones and tablet devices evolve to incorporate a variety of new sensors that will keep us honest. While they might not be able to assess your personality yet, sensors are rapidly becoming capable of detecting all kinds of information about you and your surroundings. These sensors will not only change digital magazines' editorial content and advertising, but also lead to entirely new ways of authoring content and serving readers.
  • GOOGLE+ EXCLUSIVE: Google to Retire Blogger & Picasa Brands in Google+ Push: Say goodbye to the Picasa and Blogger names: Google intends to retire several non-Google name brands and rename them as Google products

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  1. and your surroundings. These sensors will not only change digital magazines‘ editorial content and advertising, but also lead to entirely new ways of authoring content and serving readers

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