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- RANKING VZ-Netzwerke fallen im IVW-Ranking weiter zurück: Chip Online dreht im Juli richtig auf – Den Platz an der Sonne hat T-Online gepachtet und es gelingt dem Portal auch die Konkurrenten wie zum Beispiel den Zweitplatzierten eBay auf Distanz zu halten. Ein Abstand von 100 Millionen Visits ist üppig. Für die meisten Angebote gehört der Juli 2011 zu den guten Monaten. Fast alle konnten ihre Reichweite steigern, einige konnten dem Monat nutzen, um kräftig Reichweite aufzubauen.
- SOCIAL MEDIA MONITORING A Wiki of Social Media Monitoring Solutions: Wer die Liste der SM-Monitoring Tools noch nicht kennt..
- BILDUNG AlterNet: Chomsky: Public Education Under Massive Corporate Assault — What’s Next?: Lesebefehl: Suppose, as is increasingly happening not only in the United States, incidentally, that universities are not funded by the state, meaning the general community. So how are the universities going to survive? Universities are parasitic institutions; they don't produce commodities for profit, thankfully. They may one of these days. The funding issue raises many troubling questions, which would not arise if fostering independent thought and inquiry were regarded as a public good, having intrinsic value
- ENTERPRISE 2.0 Why Exception Handling Should be the Rule | Pretzel Logic – Social and Collaborative Business: In the world of work, we encounter three primary tasks
- Is G+ Putting Facebook On The Defensive? | TechCrunch: Soso: Google’s trump card against Facebook is that we may never even see an ad on G+. Google has plenty to gain without ever showing an ad and, put simply, Google doesn’t need the money. Facebook’s got to know this, and it’s got to have them just a little bit concerned.
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