Lesetipps für den 9. März

Erlesene Links zu einigen Perlen im Web: Blogposts, Artikel und Nachrichten, die uns wichtig erscheinen. Ergänzungen erwünscht.

  • FINANZDINGSBUMS Rezension “Stresstest Deutschland”: Jens Berger unterzieht Deutschland endlich einem Stresstest, der diesen Namen, anders als die vor nicht allzu langer Zeit für Banken veranstalteten „Stresstests“, tatsächlich verdient. Es wurde auch höchste Zeit
  • FILTER BUBBLE in deutsch Eli Pariser: "Filter Bubble": Seltsam unkritisches Interview mit Eli Pariser: "Herr Pariser, im Mai 2011 kam "Filter Bubble" in den USA auf den Markt. Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass die Debatte zu einem Umdenken geführt hat?"
  • iPAD3 iPad: The iPad sold 15.4 million units last quarter. That was more than any PC manufacturer sold of their entire PC line worldwide
  • THINK TANKS IN USA When Libertarians Go to Work…: Yesterday, libertarian blogger Julian Sanchez announced that if the right-wing Koch brothers successfully take over the libertarian Cato Institute, where he works, he’ll resign. (According to most reports, the Kochs want Cato to be a more reliable instrument of the Republican cause.) Today, Sanchez criticizes progressives who can’t help noting the irony of libertarians complaining about wealthy people using their money to buy the kind of speech they like.
  • PATENT WAR Slide to unlock: how Apple’s patents are changing Android | The Verge: But it's clear that the current state of Android patent litigation is having a much deeper effect on the products in the market than just Samsung's minor redesign of the Galaxy Tab 10.1N's shell — it's changing how Android actually looks and feels for the end user
  • UMSATZ MIT ÜBERWACHUNG House Bill May Ban U.S. Surveillance Gear Sales: Ob wir so eine Eingabe in Deutschland auch erleben werden? A bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday would stop the sale of surveillance technologies to repressive regimes by American companies.
  • GOOGLES RICHTLINIEN BBC College of Journalism Blog – Google’s new privacy policy: where’s the real debate?: What's new about the new policy is that it applies across different Google products. So, instead of Gmail, YouTube, Search, Blogger, Picassa, Google+, Google Maps and others having their own policies, the new one will cover them all. It allows Google to draw on personal data about a user that it gleaned in one context to serve ads in another.
  • KI A conversation on TED.com: Can technology replace human intelligence?: Jetzt gibt es auch Debatten auf ted.com. und es sind sehr lesenswerte Debatten. Hier ein Beispiel: "Proponents of strong AI believe that human intelligence can be replicated. Of course we are a long way off from seeing human-level AI. What makes human intelligence hard to replicate? Can it be simulated? What if we created a model of the human brain, would it be able to think?"
  • MILLIARDÄRE The World’s Billionaires – Forbes List: Hier sind die ganzen armen Schlucker aufgelistet…

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